The seed of an idea to provide a Study Shed was sown at a gathering of some classmates in December 2006,
Bago City.
That seed germinated in 2007 and canvassing to raise the P60,000 project has been vigorously pursued by
Agueda Duley (nee del Castillo) with assistance from fellow classmates. They would still like to
hear from those who are in a position to make a donation to help cover any shortfall. The project has been
successful due to very generous donations from members. A hearty "Thank you" to each and everyone who was able
to donate.
From ground breaking to completion of the shed will have been achieved in about five or six, short weeks
Agreement with the Principal, Ms Heidi Estandarte, resulted in a prime site being allocated for our shed. Followed
by numerous canvassing trips to Bacolod, suppliers were identified and vigorous bartering to achieve the best materials and
prices, hopefully providing a building that members will be proud of.